Project management application 

for Phantom FX

Phantom FX reached out to me for freelance work in Jan 2021, after taking a look at their existing application and the impact it had on the company's workflow, I was intrigued to be involved in a redesign. So I pitched in for a full-time role and was hired as a UI UX Designer.

The Problem

Project management application brief :

Being a visual effects studio, the company gets movie shots from clients and works on them to add 2d, 3d and other visual effects. On an average project there would be 3 to 4 sequences on which each sequence could have around 200 shots. Furthermore each shot has 4-5 tasks to be done upon them like 2d, 3d, rigging, modelling etc. So an average project would contain around 10,000 individual tasks to be worked on. The company has around 200 vfx artists and ~15 managers to oversee the completion, budget and quality of these tasks.

Major use cases of the application

The existing application was developed in an agile methodology without any designer in the team. The tool was inconsistent with UI, information architecture was a mess and it took more than 10 mins to load specific pages due to numerous data being fetched from the server. A shot has 24 unique specifications as do tasks, so imagine fetching information of 1000 tasks with their corresponding 24 data points, that's 24000 specifications loaded for a single person accessing an average project.

A SUS survey was conducted with 20+ people and the score turned out to be below 10.

While it looked like just a UI redesign was required to solve the problems, after conducting user interviews with the stakeholders from each department, it was clear that there was a lack of understanding of the tool as it was different from their workflow. For example the tool assumes one task created on a shot is going to be assigned and completed by one artist, but in reality artists often get higher priority tasks where they have to put their current task on hold. After this the coordinator creates a new task in the application in order to assign it to a different artist.

Some of the pain points from the interview

The Process

User Task Analysis

For a major redesign I had to start from understanding the workflow of the departments, how a project is stored and how different user roles such as Artists, Supervisors, Line producers etc interact with the application for different purposes. 

Roles and tasks

Fixing the Information architecture

The project structure and data points(specifications) are crucial for enabling the user to easily find information that they are looking for. But the existing application handled it badly which resulted in users having a hard time accessing information.

Following steps were taken to fix the information architecture

Adding project metrics

Other improvements

After user testing sessions and presentations with the production team, the application was developed and deployed. 

A system usability scale survey was conducted after a few weeks and the score was 90.

It was an amazing opportunity to create a good impact on day to day life of about 200 people XD.

Few before and after are added.



The new layout contains project/sequence/shot navigation on the left panel with the corresponding information on the right panel. The summary of the tasks in each department is conveyed through icons. 

The summary page shows total number of sots, their progress and metrics at one place 

Snap shots